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Girl with Dogs

a Visit

Regular Scheduled Visits

East Central Therapy Dogs make regular scheduled visits to PRHC, long term care facilities, retirement homes and VON Day Centres. If your clients could benefit from a regular visit from our volunteers, please complete the online request form and submit it to us. We can visit from room to room or in a common area as best suits you. Please allow three to four weeks to set up the visit. Visits are subject to availability of volunteers.

Special Event Visits

On occasion, based on availability of volunteers, East Central Therapy Dogs do special group visits at local secondary schools, colleges and university, as well as, at local businesses and government organizations. These group therapy dog sessions are designed to help attendees who are experiencing stressful times (preparation for exams, workload, etc.).


We are unable to do private home visits as we don’t have the resources to respond to single individual requests.


Special group therapy dog visits require approximately three weeks to plan, organize and recruit volunteers.  We are unable to accommodate short notice requests.

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